Ruby Morris successfully persuades the police to drop a no insurance allegation on 5th attempt. Client had an injured foot.  The officer in the case suggested that this would invalidate his insurance. The allegation was withdrawn after the 5th attempt without the need for Court Proceedings.

Dominic Smith gets mobile phone allegation withdrawn at court by making representations to the prosecution behind the scenes.  Officer suggested that holding the phone whilst using it as a satellite navigation device was an offence, crown prosecution service agree no interactive telecommunication use an dropped without trial.  Defendants costs order awarded in favour of client.

Jonathan Guscott helps client avoid the risk of a six month totting ban.  Allegation of failing to provide driver information/driving without due care.  Both allegations withdrawn after making representations to the crown prosecution service.  A defendants costs order granted allowing us to recover the clients reasonable legal expenses.

using a phone to take photo while stationary in traffic

  Director Of Public Prosecutions v Barreto The High Court has today handed down a Judgement, which clarifies the offence of using a phone whilst driving.  The conclusion is that the offence is not committed unless it is proved beyond reasonable doubt (by the Prosecution) that the phone was being used for an ‘interactive telecommunication […]

  We Go Further To Win For Our Clients We are fortunate to employ many great solicitors & case progression officers in our team, but every once in a while, individual successes stand out. This is one such exceptional performance. Our star case progression officer Jason Rosser had 5 cases withdrawn before trial in just […]

Randox – An Explanation In January 2017 the Police opened an investigation into a company called Randox, a laboratory who used to test blood samples for the police in relation to drink and drug drive cases, as it was suspected that they had manipulated data in relation to approximately 450 cases. The investigation has steamrolled […]

mobile phone driving offences

Holding a Phone While Driving – Successful Defences In just one week, Robert Carnon, one of our specialist road traffic offence law case progression officers here at Patterson Law has successfully defended 6 x use of a phone while driving allegations, either by being dropped by the police, withdrawn by the Crown Prosecution Service or […]

IN THE CROWN COURT AT HARROW NADER ELDARF v THE QUEEN On Appeal from Willesden Magistrates’ Court ——————————- JUDGEMENT ——————————- 1. On Friday 21 September 2018 we allowed an appeal by Nader Eldarf against his conviction by Willesden Magistrates’ Court on 23.05.2018, for driving a motor vehicle while using an interactive communications device, namely a […]