I’m a company car driver, my company lease the vehicle and received an NIP stating on 6th May x I exceeded 50 MPH. My recorded speed was 63MPH. My head office received the NIP on 26th May x and then forwarded on to me which I received on 28th May x.
I understand there is a 14 day rule. does this 14 day rule apply to me? As the Notice Issue Date on the NIP is 25/05/x and my Head Office only received this NIP on 26th May x. If it does not apply to me what do I need to do?
The 14 day rule would apply to getting the NIP to the registered keeper of the vehicle. The company are not the registered keeper as they lease the vehicle.
If they got it within 20 days then the chances are the first NIP was received within the 14 days allowed. You need to check with the lease car company that owns the vehicle and ask them when they got it.
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