Dizziness Affected My Driving

Dangerous Driving Allegation


I was involved in an accident yesterday in which I crossed the white line and collided head on with another vehicle.

Previously someone had reported seeing me driving “clipping the curb slowing and speeding up” I produced a negative breath test at the seen. I was under the influence of nothing else although I had had a drink in the club before leaving.

That day I had been on a boat all day and had been swimming in the sea.

For some reason as I began driving home I was effected by sporadic bouts of dizziness that would come and the go all together so I would continue driving. Obviously it was one of these incidences that led to the crash. I only have one functioning ear after an earlier accident.

I mentioned this to the police but he began taking it down as a statement so I thought best to retract it until I had taken legal advice I am to be formally interviewed in a week.

This is not the first time I have had the sensation of the ground moving etc. after sailing but these bouts of sudden dizziness were new I wonder if some water had effected my balance.

Do I have any defence and would you advise me to employ a solicitor. No one was hurt thank god but both cars were extensively damaged.

What are the severity of the driving charges I might face, your help would be greatly appreciated?

Emma Says:

First of all make sure that you go to see your doctor and report the systems that you suffered yesterday to ensure that those symptoms are on record. It could have been heat stroke or a balance issue but you need to make sure there is an official note.

You are going to be at risk of a ban and mandatory retest if you are accused of dangerous driving.

If you get accused of driving without due care and attention you could still be at risk of a ban if it was a bad accident.

You should be represented if you are going to be interviewed at a police station. You can either have a free duty solicitor present or if you want a specialist in this area of law I can act on your behalf and arrange a lawyer to come with you to the police station on the day.

If you need to be able to drive then this matter needs to be handled with care.

Come back to me if you are interested in having my help and I will call you to discuss further.

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