Motoring Law

Read our advice to these frequently asked road traffic law questions.

Are young drivers being sold fully comprehensive insurance that is not fit for purpose? We have a significant number of enquiries from young drivers who claim that they were sold fully comprehensive insurance on the basis that it covered them to drive a motor vehicle belonging to another person with their permission. It later transpires […]

The Leading Motoring Solicitors In The UK Do It Again! We don’t publish stories like this to brag, but because achieving 6 victories for our clients in a single day is indicative of what we do all day every day. We are trying to show you what can be done if you have the expertise […]

Possibly our best day ever at Patterson!! 8 Cases defended/points avoided/withdrawn in one day.   Today’s Victories; 1/ Senior Case Progression Officer Nikki Clarke defended a mobile phone case by getting it withdrawn by the CPS without the need for a trial. They agreed that they did not have a realistic chance of convicting our […]

“I’m so proud of my team here at Patterson Law. They continue to go from strength to strength in terms of their skill and expertise in winning cases on behalf of out clients…” Emma Patterson, Principal Solicitor We’ve updated our statistics today (26.10.10). We keep a detailed spreadsheet of all our results to make sure […]

Instructed 4pm yesterday! Successfully won trial today at 2pm….! Patterson Law Lawyer Ria Pleass strikes again on behalf of motorist at risk of a ban…read on.. We took on a last minute case yesterday for a chap at risk of a totting ban. The trial was listed for 2pm today and we were up against […]

Crown Prosecution Service withdraw allegation at 11th hour – after rejecting initial representations…. This was a case handled by Ria Pleass under the supervision of Emma Patterson. Our client was summonsed for failing to provide driver identity. He did not receive the original Notice or the reminder that was sent to him and had problems […]

South West magistrates Court finds that farmer’s field used as a fee paying car park in the summer is not a public place! We were prepared to defend our client’s alleged driving without due care and attention on all grounds, but when it came down to it at court we didn’t have to! The magistrates […]

We have just won an important victory at Truro crown Court in relation to an allegation of speeding. The Judge found that the speed trap at A30 Temple Junction – was potentially unreliable and the conviction in the Magistrates Court was unsafe….read more The case was run by Jemma Hurrel, Senior Team Leader under Emma […]